“Panvel Municipal Corporation Takes the Lead: Bicycle Rally Promotes Eco-Friendly Diwali under Maji Vasundhara Abhiyan 4.0 Campaign”

In a green initiative spearheaded by Commissioner Ganesh Deshmukh, the Panvel Municipal Corporation (PMC) orchestrated a bicycle rally today, starting at 7 am from Dewale Lake and concluding at Wadale Lake. This event, aligned with Maji Vasundhara Abhiyan 4.0, aimed to champion a Diwali free from pollution and firecrackers.

The event witnessed the presence of key figures including Deputy Commissioner Dr. Vaibhav Vidhate, Municipal Officers and Employees, Bicycle Mayor Sudhir Chakole, and Puran Singh, Head of the Runthon Cycling Club. The collective sentiment emphasized a call for an environmentally conscious Diwali, symbolized through the bicycle rally.

During the rally, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Vaibhav Vidhate highlighted the significance of using low-noise crackers and discouraged the use of those contributing to heightened pollution. Advocating for an eco-friendly celebration, he urged citizens to restrict firecracker usage to the designated hours of 7 to 10 in the evening, emphasizing the need to minimize the impact on future generations’ well-being.

In a resounding display of community commitment to environmental responsibility, Panvel Municipal Corporation’s bicycle rally, part of Maji Vasundhara Abhiyan 4.0, witnessed the participation of around 100 cyclists. Spanning from Dewale Lake to Wadale Lake, the rally featured a diverse group, including children to senior citizens, all advocating for a Firecracker-Free Diwali, Green Festival, and Pollution-Free Diwali through vibrant banners and awareness efforts. This collective initiative not only underscores a dedication to sustainable practices but also reflects the community’s unity in fostering mindful and eco-friendly celebrations.

Source: https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/mumbai-pmc-holds-cycle-rally-under-maji-vasundhara-abhiyan-40-campaign
Edited: Sakshi Semwal

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